Saturday 26th August 2023
Entries via:
The Olympia London International Horse Show has once again invited eight lucky Members of The Pony Club to take part in the Mini Major Show Jumping class at the show which is held at Christmas time.
Each Pony Club Member will be paired with one of the senior International riders competing at the show and the competition is a pair relay with the time of the Pony Club Member deciding the winner. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for 128cm pony riders to compete at a FEI 5 star International show.
Open to any pony not exceeding 128cms to be ridden by registered members of The Pony Club up to the end of the calendar year in which the rider reaches the age of 12.
First Round max height 90cm. Table A7.
Members may enter as many of the qualifying rounds as they wish.
The top two of each competition will qualify for the final at The London International Horse Show (subject to eligibility, see below). All selection decisions of the Chairman of Show Jumping are final, and no correspondence will be entered into after the eight successful members have been announced. In all cases where the qualified member is unable to compete at The London International Horse Show, qualification will pass down the line to the next eligible member.
Any rider who has taken part in The Pony Club Mini-Major at Olympia in previous years is not eligible.
In order to be selected for the Mini Major, the rider must have paid their Pony Club Membership fee in full.
An application form will be sent by The Pony Club to each rider provisionally selected for the London International Horse Show. Before selection can be confirmed, this form must be completed and returned by a parent or guardian and signed by the DC of the member’s branch. Amongst the information requested on the form will be full details and dates of the rallies attended by the member.
There are specific dress and conduct rules which the London International Horse Show set for the Mini Major and these must be complied with. Details will be sent to the selected members.
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